Illustrator & Designer Paola Wood

Design is an idea developed in a thousand possibilities in conjunction that develops processes to innovate a new product and focus on our future.

Life is one, so design with the purples of keep our globe green

life is just one way to make the best of it


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Illustrator & Designer

Paola Wood

My work explores the relationship between Critical theory and copycat violence. With influences as diverse as Rousseau and Buckminster Fuller, new insights are created from both constructed and discovered narratives. Ever since I was a postgraduate I have been fascinated by the ephemeral nature of meaning. What starts out as hope soon becomes finessed into a tragedy of distress, leaving only a sense of dread and the inevitability of a new synthesis. As shifting phenomena become distorted through diligent and critical practice, the viewer is left with a hymn to the limits of our world.


12 Sage Road, Rochester, United Kingdom.

Phone: 0044 795 745 8242

0044 795 745 8242

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